
Mathias Knigge

Mathias Knigge specialis­es in solutions based on the concept of Design for All. Since 2004, the product designer and engineer has been supporting a wide range of clients in their aim to offer products, architecture and services which are convenient, attractive and accessible at the same time. He devises new solutions through analysis, user testing and product design, and is also involved in research and teaching, sharing his know­ledge in workshops, publications and talks. He is a member of the board at EDAD (Design for All – Germany e.V.).


  • Diplom Maschinenbau (Certified Mechanical Engineer), Technical University of Berlin
  • Diplom Industrial Design (Certified Industrial Designer), University of the Arts, Berlin
  • Assistant of Professor Achim Heine at University of the Arts, Berlin
  • 5-year research fellowship at sentha(household technology suitable for older people), interdisciplinary research project of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
  • several years of experience as a freelance designer in the areas of planning, design, development
  • since 2004 founding partner and managing director of grauwert – consultancy for inclusive design,
    products and services

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