
June 2019 – May 2020

Logo Projekt KulturPlus

KulturPlus – Project for more accessible culture and events in Hamburg

KulturPlus is committed to making more cultural offerings accessible to people with disabilities in Hamburg. Even ten years after the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, many barriers exist in theatres, museums and other cultural institutions. Cultural offerings are not always accessible to all people. At the same time, existing barrier-free offers are often only very hesitantly taken up by the public.

In June, the KulturPlus project was launched in Hamburg on the initiative of grauwert.

The Hamburg project KulturPlus is taking a new approach to changing this: In a continuous dialogue, visitors with disabilities and cultural institutions agree on step-by-step changes and their binding implementation.
Special emphasis is placed on the communication of these accessible offers. They should be perceived positively by the public, made known to the public through various channels and thus also be used. Therefore, the approach of Design for All is chosen so that changes are not planned, implemented and perceived as special solutions for a few, but as attractive added values for many people.

In the one-year planning phase of the KulturPlus project starting in spring 2019, a roadmap for the process of joint development will be drawn up and exemplary, easy-to-implement first steps will be used to test how the subsequent three-year implementation phase can proceed.

The KulturPlus Hamburg project will run from 1 June 2019 to 31 May 2020. The initiator of the project is Büro grauwert, and the project is supported by STADTKULTUR HAMBURG e.V.


The sponsors of the KulturPlus project are Aktion Mensch, the Gabriele Fink Stiftung and the Stiftung Kulturglück.

Supporters and network are: Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media, Hamburg Tourism, Design für Alle Deutschland e.V., Hamburger Theater e.V. and Deutscher Bühnenverein Landesverband Nord, Museumsdienst Hamburg, Senate Coordinator for Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities.

Further information at grauwert.

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