
Tactile Tour
22. April 2023, 22.00
Kattrepel 10, Hamburg

Objekte für Tastführungen aus dem Aktenkoffer von Helmut Schmidt

Democracy history to touch – Tactile offer for the exhibition of the Federal Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Foundation

On the occasion of the Long Night of Museums 2023 on 22 April in Hamburg, Büro grauwert has designed an interesting offer for guided tours for the permanent exhibition of the Federal Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Foundation.

The “archive to experience” consists of an original briefcase of Helmut Schmidt, which contains the typical Elblotsen cap as well as many other interesting objects in archive boxes. With the help of these, the life and work of the politician and person Helmut Schmidt can be described in a multi-faceted and lively way. The green pen for signing and a circulation folder with signatures stand for the time in the Chancellor’s Office. A metronome, a chess piece and a Barlach figurine bring the former chancellor’s artistic side closer. This bronze replica was specially made by grauwert using 3D scanning and printing.

All objects can be held in the hand during the guided tours. The offer is aimed at all visitors who would like to experience Helmut Schmidt from a different perspective.
At the same time, the “Archive to Experience” is an important component of the accessible offers of the Federal Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Foundation, which the office grauwert is developing for the areas of communication, exhibition and events.

More information on the exhibition and registration for guided tours at:


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