
8./9. November 2018

Accessible Hubs

Lecture at international workshop on urban mobility systems at TU Darmstadt

Intermodal mobility centres are public or private places where passengers and freight move between different modes of transport. These can play a central role in ensuring equal access, but also place special demands on accessibility.
To this end, the international workshop „Accessible Hubs” will take place at the TU Darmstadt in November.

In addition to many renowned experts, Mathias Knigge will also be illuminating the topic in his lecture. Under the title „Accessible, comfortable and attractive – How Design for All aims values instead of deficits”, he will present his experiences in this field and identify urban planning factors that stand in the way of or promote barrier-free mobility systems. At the same time, participants will gain a better understanding of the guiding principles that facilitate accessibility in mobility centres.

The two-day event is free of charge and is made possible by the research cluster and the German Research Foundation (DFG). It will take place on 8 and 9 November 2018 at the TU Darmstadt.

More information on registration for the programme can be found at

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