Social Media Walk at Altonaer Museum Hamburg
The Social Media Week Hamburg has chosen the Altonaer Museum as one of its central venues in 2018. Under the motto “Closer: Community vs. Individualism”, there will be presentations, discussion and talks about the new reality of the digital in numerous rooms of the museum. The rapid development of technological progress is one of the most discussed topics in our society. With all the fascinating changes, we have to ask ourselves what impact they will have. The same technologies that inspire us to rethink the way we live and work are also those that intimidate and frighten us.
As part of Social Media Week, the Altonaer Museum is also offering an event with Mathias Knigge for conference participants.
Making sense of the museum. Social Media Walk through the Altonaer Museum
An invitation to all the senses. Through a change of perspective, we experience the museum and the exciting objects of the Altona Museum in a different way. We concentrate on selected senses or do without them for a moment. In the process, new relationships between seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling emerge. Mathias Knigge from the grauwert office offers this unusual walk through the museum and explains how the ‘Design for All’ concept creates attractive offers that provide barrier-free access for diverse visitors.
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The colleagues from the online communication of the Historische Museen Hamburg are on the move and tweet under @histmuseenhh #altonaermuseum #inclusion #accessibility